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Foreign Affair - Tina Turner

Foreign Affair
Foreign Affair
im Stil von:
Tina Turner
Nr. :

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A one in a million chance 
You know the moment 
that you crossed over the line 
A casual glance 
No one has to read between the lines 
In the south of France it was spring time 
Special feelings come alive 
There´s romance in the air, so they say 
Love could be a small cafe away 
Love is a piece of cake 
And making love is all there is to eat 
But it´s a heart out of a lamb 
When you start to feel forever in a kiss 
But you must remember 
there´s no point of refuge 
You only have a part in a lover´s play 
And you could be the one left in the dark 
If someone takes a shortcut 
to your heart 
And all too soon you´re touching 
for the last time 
No one has to tell you how it is 
It´s just a memory two people share 
File it under foreign affair 
File it under foreign affair 
File it under foreign affair 
File it under foreign affair 
File it under foreign affair 
File it under foreign affair 
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