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I Can Do That (A Chorus Line) - Musical Play

I Can Do That (A Chorus Line)
I Can Do That (A Chorus Line)
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Musical Play
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I´m watching Cisco Peter Pat, 
Said I can do that, I can do that 
Knew every step right of the bat 
Said I can do that, I can do that 

One modern sis´ won´t go to dance class 
I grab her shoes and tighten all 
but my foot´s to small so 
I stuff her shoes with extra socks 
Run seven blocks in nothing flat 
Hell I can do that, I can do that 
I got to class and had it made 
and so I stayed the rest of my life 
all thanks to sis´ 
Now married and fat 
I can do this 
That I can do, I can do that 
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