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Good Golly Miss Molly - The Swinging Blue Jeans

Good Golly Miss Molly
Good Golly Miss Molly
im Stil von:
The Swinging Blue Jeans
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Good golly Miss Molly, 
Yeah you sure like to ball. 
Oh good golly Miss Molly, 
Yeah you sure like to ball. 
When you´re shaking and shouting, 
Can you hear your mama call. 

From the early, early morning, 
Till the early, early night, 
When I caught Miss Molly´s rocking, 
At the house of blue lights. 

Good golly Miss Molly, 
Yeah you sure like to ball. 
When you´re rocking and rolling, 
Can you hear your mama call. 

Well now mama, papa told me: 
"Son you better watch your step" 
What I knew about Miss Molly, 
Got to watch my dady myself. 

Good golly Miss Molly, 
Yeah you sure like to ball. 
When you´re shaking and shouting, 
Can you hear your mama call. 
From the early, early morning, 
Till the early, early night, 
When I caught Miss Molly´s rocking, 
At the house of blue lights. 

Good golly Miss Molly, 
Yeah you sure like to ball. 
When you´re rocking and rolling, 
Can you hear your mama call. 

Yeah, good golly Miss Molly, 
Oh good golly Miss Molly, 
Oh good golly Miss Molly. 
Yeah you sure like to ball. 
When you´re shaking and shouting, 
Can you hear your mama call. 
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